Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Website!!!

Hey Everybody!

I just wanted to let you know that we are going to be moving to our own website. 
You can now follow us here:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Supplies for Haiti -

If anyone is interested, we just got a list for donations for our Haiti Trip! Mission of Hope has need for the following things (again, though, be sure to let us know if you want to get a specific item and we'll coordinate a space for it in our luggage!) Thanks!

Geometry kits (compass, ruler, protractor…)
·        Composition notebooks
·        Pens
·        Pencils
·        Tylenol
·        Ibuprofen
·        Cough/cold remedies
·        Allergy medication
·        Tums
·        Good Seasons salad dressing mix (dry)
·        Batteries (9v, D, AA. AAA)
·        Peanut butter, nutella
·        Tuna, chicken, turkey
·        Ink cartridge refill kits
·        Soccer balls
·        Toys (no batteries or loose pieces)
·        Board games (for the mission house)
·        Corelle plates (break resistant)
·        Spoons (soup as opposed to tea)
·        Used pots and pans
·        Bedding (all sizes)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Haiti Fall 2011!

 GRACE AND PEACE from the Youells! 
Hope everyone had a fruitful and restful summer! We spent the summer at our new church, Living Bridge, here in PA ( We’re happy to be plugged into this 2 year old church plant doing worship ministry and seeing God move as he establishes us in this community.

            Our original plans to move back to FL earlier this year were re-routed by God early on and a few short months later, after being called away from our other church here in PA, God provided the opportunity to work with Living Bridge! Sometimes I feel like planning anything at all is utterly futile because, “as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’” (I Cor. 2:9). I hope that you see God’s hand at work in your life – moving in his subtle and miraculous way to orchestrate the events of our lives so unexpectedly and yet, in the end, so perfectly. While I sometimes resent God for not revealing His long hand to me I also find it unequivocally faith-building to look back at my life and see Him undeniably at work even in times of intense unknowing or trouble. I pray your faith is built up as well!
So, we’re in PA and at work at our church. I, Joy, am still plugging away at seminary (finishing up at Southern Seminary in KY through a distance online program). My job has opened a door for us to return to Haiti this fall! My boss has generously agreed to pay for us to go back to Mission of Hope International in Grand Goave, Haiti for two weeks. We’ll be there October 29-November 11 and want to ask for your prayers! You may remember the orphans we worked with in January: they have recently moved into an orphanage where they each have their own bed, something these children have never had before in their lives!
            In January, Christopher met a boy called Stephen (pictured here). He now supports Stephen on a monthly basis and is so excited to see him again! Someone paid for Stephen and the other children to get school supplies this school year and the missionaries sent pictures and told of how Stephen was so excited that he slept in his own bed with his new backpack on for days! It’s so precious and important to remember the need that exists in Haiti. If you’re interested in investigating these child-sponsorship opportunities through MOHI, go to
            We are going to be headed down to Haiti just as a couple to live and work for two weeks. It’s amazing to remember that the ladies who work in this orphanage do so every single day all year – it’s as though these 46 orphans are their own children and they never get a break. We would ask for your prayers for us to have energy, patience, health, and be able to share Christ’s love with these orphans, orphan caregivers, and the community. 
Mission of Hope is still the primary supplier of jobs and water in Grand Goave and they are constantly expanding into new territories of ministry. There is currently another orphanage under construction. Pray that Mission of Hope is blessed with the personnel and resources they need to continue to expand this most vital ministry! A list of supplies for things we are taking is coming soon – because of baggage restrictions we can’t take much so please contact us beforehand if you want to send something. Thanks!
            We love all of you and are so happy to have you “on our team” in our continued missionary efforts. Thanks for all you do every day to love others and build the Kingdom of God!
We pray that God’s gracious hand of blessing and provision be on your life today!
            Chris & Joy Youell

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Haiti Update

Well, preparations are going well for our trip to Haiti in December! We are still in need of about $1500 by next Monday to finish funding the trip/paying for lodging, etc.! We know that this will require a lot of friends & family stepping up to the plate. We're also confident that God will provide... He always does! If you want to partner with us for this trip with a financial donation, you can now do so online through Paypal by the "Donate" button on the right! This donation will be personal and not tax-deductible. We'd love your help and partnership as we continue to venture out into the world, working with the poor and helping to re-build this poor country! We love you!

Haiti - winter 2010

                Grace & peace!
                We hope and pray that everything is going well for you – the fall has kicked off and up here in Western Pennsylvania we’ve already turned our heaters on. Chris is thrilled and I, well, I am and always will be a southern girl… so I endure what I have to. ;) 

Soon enough, though, we’ll be headed south because December 29-January 6 we’re going to head down to Haiti for a mission trip! We’re taking some people from our home church here in PA (Christ Community Fellowship) as well as my little bro Jason again. We’re partnering with an organization called Mission of Hope that is a little outside of Port Au Prince. They are in a unique position of having both urban and rural refugees from the earthquake.
An amazing amount of work remains to be done in Haiti since January 12 when the earthquake hit. As you remember, I was there in June and came away with a strong sense of urgency that we have to keep Haiti at the forefront of our minds. Unlike a monsoon in Indonesia, Haiti is very close! Refugees from Haiti are still coming into the US and, frankly, if the global community doesn’t continue to unite to rebuild Haiti, it will lie in ruins.
                So, we are going with some guys who do construction, a nurse, and a couple of teachers. We’ll work in food distribution, an orphanage, and anywhere else we’re needed. We’ll again be tent camping to keep costs down and so really we’re only raising money for airfare. Chris and I will need to raise about $2,000. If you can help there is a donation slip with this letter. If you can pray that is the most welcome form of support! We’re all in this together… let’s do all we can to pitch in and get Haiti back on its feet!
We love and pray for you all!
 Chris and Joy Youell

Monday, October 25, 2010